Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ShmooCon Epilogue Tickets - On Sale

Just as our January meeting was, ShmooCon Epilogue is an Open House (aka free-ish). However, you do need a ticket to get in. They are all free and if we run out, we'll put more up. This is mostly to order the right amount of food, drinks and alcohol for the event.


Although the eventbrite event says free for all the ticket types, we will be asking for $10 for each meal you attend.

Monday, January 16, 2012

ShmooCon Epilogue Speakers and Location

We finally have a location and speaker list locked down:


Meeting Monday 30 Jan 2012 at 10 AM - 11:00PM (All day event)
Location: ICF International, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax

(our normal meeting location which is just off of the Vienna metro stop and roughly 20 minutes from Dulles (IAD)).


View NoVAH Meeting in a larger map

Speaker Line-up / Schedule:

Talk Title/DescriptionSpeakerTime
So, the red team was her and tore you a new one. Now what?Ian Amit10:00
Resurrection of Ettercap: easy-creds, Lazarus & AssimilationEric Milam - (Brav0Hax) &
Emilio Escobar
Media Hype and Hacks that Never HappenedSpace Rouge13:00
More than one way to skin a cat --- identifying multiple paths to compromise a target through the use of Attach Graph AnalysisJoe Klein14:00
Proper Depth / Breadth testing for Vulnerability Analysis and fun with tailored risk reporting metrics.  Jason M Oliver15:00
Extending Information Security Methodologies for Personal User in Protecting PII.  John Willis15:30
We [the government] are here to Help: How FIPS 140 Helps (and hurts) SecurityJoey Maresca16:00
Java backdoors and cross-framework abuse.Nicholas (aricon) Berthaume17:00
Javascript deobfuscationGlen Pendley18:00
Javascript obfuscationBrandon Dixon19:00
Security Onion: Network Security Monitoring in MinutesDoug Burks20:00
The "Easy" Button for Your Web Application Security Career … or something else if people aren’t into that (e.g., P0wning the Firetalks, PHPIDS Foo, …)Grecs21:00
Bypassing Android PermissionsGeorgia Weidman22:00